If you've previously taken a survey and need to update your entries, please take the survey again and enter your current information.
If you've taken a survey and would like to have all of your information removed from the database, please contact us.
We would like to thank everyone who took the time to complete the Brazilian survey! This survey has been retired for the following reasons:
Other countries have begun to follow Brazil, in stating permission was never granted to export their endemic species. This means a larger scale of spiders are affected. Keeping up with surveys for Brazil's long list of affected species was already a large undertaking. Unfortunately, tracking all of the species affected by the Lacey Act is no longer feasible.
Retiring this survey will also help us to keep the Poecilotheria surveys better up to date, with fewer entries to manage.
We would like to encourage the domestic breeding of all species in the interest of long term sustainability. Please check back, as we work to add new resources to the site.